A Young Person's Guide to Voting and Politics in the State of Michigan

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gubernatorial Nominees

     As we know, Democrat Jennifer Granholm-- Michigan's first female governor--is finishing her second term and is prohibited by Michigan's constitution to seek a third. So who's next? That's what makes the 2010 general election so exciting.
     We're on the cusp of a lot of changes as a state, and as a nation. A lot of people have a LOT of complaints about the current state of the... state. From economic woes to heartbreaking environmental disasters, it's more important than ever to really speak up, to really use our voices and our rights to make a difference.
      As America is increasingly polarized into bloodthirsty Hawks and apathetic Doves, our generation needs to be the one to rise up as a voice of reason. Why quibble in petty partisan arguments when we can elect the BEST candidate for the job-- whoever he or she may be, and whatever party affiliation he or she might have-- based on his or her past, platforms, and aptitude.
     Without further ado, your candidates (and VERY brief histories of each).

Virg Bernero (D): Lansing Mayor; ex- state senator; ex- state rep; ex- Ingham County Commissioner. Running mate TBD

Rick Snyder (R): Venture Capitalist

Kenneth Proctor (Libertarian): Auto worker; Vietnam vet and frequent candidate.

Stacey Mathia (Constitution/ U.S. Taxpayers): Ex- Fife Lake Village councilwoman; Tea Party activist; homeschooling parent. Running mate Chris Levels

Harley Mikkelson (Green): Retired state employee; Vietnam Vet and Frequent candidate.

Nominees for Lieutenant Governor

Terri Lynn Land (R): Current Secretary of State

Erwin J. Haas (Libertarian): Physician, Vietnam vet and frequent candidate.

Lynn Meadows (Green): Retired retail manager; community activist; ’08 US rep nominee & ’06 Sec of State nominee.

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